Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Wonderful News: Pickles' Prickly Problem by Susan and Kaitlyn Merendino is out! Also, Paul Beach's Chasing The Sun now available in hardcover!!! Wonderfull books I had the pleasure of illustrating!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Claudia Cerulli's beautiful new book, Filastrocche Italiane Volume 2 - Italian Nursery Rhymes Volume 2 (Italian Edition) is out on Amazon! What a great book!!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Chasing The Sun, by Paul Beach, illustrated by me, is coming out in Hardcover as we speak. What a beautiful book.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Hi everyone. Just want to mention I have illustrated two new fabulous books coming out very soon: Pickle's Prickly Problem by Susan and Kaitlyn Merendino, and Jennifer Magicum, The Vanishing Cat by Maria Andrade. Look for these online soon!

Friday, August 6, 2010

Hi there! Newest book, still don't know who's going to publish it but the proceeds will go to clean up the BP Oil Mess and save the seabirds. "If I Could Speak".

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Ness, The Featherless Cockatoo by Alyssa Rudinsky, Illustrated my myself, just came out on Amazon and Barnes & Noble. B & N is donating some of the proceeds to the Humane Society of Broward County where Oscar, the real featherless cockatoo lives. I'm also posting some of my newest projects, Steven Feldman's "Dinner in Maine" and Jared Shoji Ikeda's "The Boy Who Loved Baseball" Also, Claudia Cerulli's "Italian Fun" And my newest book, "Airavata in the Garden - an Indian Tale" .

Sunday, May 2, 2010

I'm working on a terrific new book, "Chasing the Sun" by Paul Beach about seeking out answers and the exhuberance of youth. Great creative author. I can't wait to see it in print!

Monday, April 12, 2010

Well, I just finished two more children's books. One for Alyssa Rudinsky called, "Ness The Underdressed Cockatoo" and an Italian Nursery Rhyme Book Called Italian Fun by Claudia Cerulli. Both are so much FUN!

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Hi everybody. I'm posting more illustration work, here on my blog. I've been drawing up a storm lately and have several new books for different authors in the works, each one exciting in it's own way. Stay tuned!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Well, I've obviously been too busy to write posts lately. I've actually been writing children's books and illustrating other author's books. "Lift" by Robin Gordon, is on it's way to see if some lucky publisher chooses to publish it. It's so beautifully written and I love the way the illustrations came out! Also, The Adventures of Persey the Pig is out on Amazon this Week. I just sent out my daughter Cailey's Book, Tick Tock; The Sixty Second Break to a few publishers. It's hysterically funny and written with a really young, fresh voice, illlustrated by me in a funky way. I can't show you the unpublished ones from other authors yet because they're not mine to show before they're out but I also have two books currently making the publishing/agent circuit: Winter, and Why Are We Here. So, lots of work, not a lot of posts. Oh Well, you can't have everything!


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